ERIN BLAKE – February 2024
FRITZ BEHR – November 2023
Fritz is one of those members you just love working out next to! He always has a positive energy, always works hard, and gives it his all. He consistently makes gains whether it’s a new skill learned or PRing a lift. One of the first to sign up for a challenge or to meet at the Tavern after open gym (sit next to him at trivia night, he’s wicked smart).
“I first got into CrossFit in 2008 by following with a buddy of mine. I quickly got hooked on the concept of functional fitness. Then life got in the way and I stopped working out for a while.
I joined Big Rock two years ago and couldn’t be happier. I still love functional fitness. The community here is awesome— supportive and fun. The coaches have a way of delivering just the right cues, it’s always a good workout when that lightbulb goes off on how a movement is supposed to feel. Getting my first muscle-up after weeks of coaching at open gym was so gratifying.
Staying fit doesn’t come as easy in my 40s as it did in my 20s/30s, but with Big Rock’s help I’m stronger and fitter than I’ve ever been.”