Our February Athlete of the Month is Mr. Travis Fulton. Travis joined us when we first opened in May, 2015. He started coming into workout two times a week. But man that didn’t last long. He was instantly hooked, and that drive of his quickly increased pulling him into the box more and more frequently. If Travis didn’t have to travel for work, I think we’d see him almost everyday! What’s cool is this new passion of his pulls him into dropping-in on CrossFit boxes around the map. So cool! We thoroughly enjoy having Travis here at Big Rock. He’s extremely supportive of the members working out next to him. He’s constantly cheering them on. You can count on a good story, a good joke or a good whole-hearted laugh when Travis walks through the door. If you know Travis, you know how he works. He works hard. Travis has this energy that just doesn’t stop, it’s contagious. And Travis, we thank you for sharing it with us at CrossFit Big Rock!
What brought you to CrossFit?  Curiosity – and then I was so bad at it ,  I had to come back and learn.
What is the biggest change you have noticed since coming?  I’m stronger than I’ve ever been ,  and while we like to share our aches and pains,  I actually have fewer pains than I did when I started.

What has been your biggest challenge?  The olympic lifting.  Technique is so important and I still struggle to get the movements right.

You have such a strong work ethic. Did you play sports in school?  Thanks,  I played soccer and raced bikes as a kid.  I’m competitive and stubborn.

Do you have a favorite song?  Changes all the time,  right now my go-to is probably “Toes” by Zac Brown Band

What about a dream vacation?  A month in the mountains

And best quote?    Res Firma Mitescere Nescit  –  Literally “a firm resolve never falters”