One particular athlete, here at CrossFit Big Rock, has really stepped up her game lately and is shining! The Big Rock Intramural Open really brought out a fire in this gal and we all noticed. Congratulations goes out to Wendy Tumbleson as she’s earned the title of  April Athlete of the Month!

Wendy has been with CFBR since the beginning and has been a super supportive member. She is one of our regulars at night and weekends, and is one tough cookie. She’s so consistent, she’s so dedicated to staying healthy and has a great work ethic. Wendy doesn’t slack. She’s always pushing herself! Even her move to Redmond didn’t slow her down or distract her from getting into the box on a regular basis!

Here’s a little info on Wendy…

You have had several surgeries that would have put most folks on the couch.  What keeps you motivated to come in and get your workout on anyway? 
2 reasons:  1- The people mostly, keeps me coming back.  Every coach is very willing to help find me alternates as well as push me when I need it.  2- I want to be able to move as I age.  I also have to admit that I love the reaction from people when they find out I do CrossFit.

What is your favorite CrossFit lift?
Deadlift and Thrusters.

What is your most dreaded?
Snatch anything

What is your favorite treat? 
Rocky Road ice cream

Favorite destination?

Favorite quote?
This one is tough since I have a few.  Favorite recent one is “it is our choices that truly show what we are, far more than our abilities”.  (JK Rowling). Reminds me of the words I told my daughter in cheer-actions speak louder than words.