Kendra Ro is our December Athlete of the Month here at CrossFit Big Rock! Congratulations Kendra! Well deserved!


Kendra is one of our original “Basics” class members. She started out attending our first round of Basics classes in January of this year. She came to the first class smiling and continues to smile each time she walks through the front door. Her attitude is contagious. You can’t help but smile yourself and cheer up when you’re around her. Even when you’re working out! On top of this gal having such a positive attitude she has a strong focus as well. Our Coaches are always impressed with Kendra’s strength and determination. “She is always willing to push herself through a workout no matter how hard it is!” Kendra is also one of our most consistent athletes, WOD’ing weekly at her favorite 7:00pm classes.

We are so thankful for you Kendra and appreciate you. And proud to have you apart of our CrossFit Big Rock family!

What got you to walk into CrossFit Big Rock for the first time?
I saw the ad for two weeks for free.  I just had to go and see what it was all about.  I was very nervous and had no idea what to expect.

What keeps you coming back for more?
It’s never the same workout twice.  It’s always challenging.

Tell us your most favorite movement in a CrossFit WOD and what is your least favorite?
My most favorite movements would be KBS and Deadlifts.  My least favorite is lunges, I know some people might think it’s burpees.

What keeps you busy outside the CrossFit box?
Work always keeps me busy, but during the spring and summer I love to work in the yard and garden.

What’s your favorite food?
I love pasta and milk chocolate.