We are excited to kick off our BASICS class at 7:00pm. 

Gymnastics Conditioning
3 rounds for time:
30 seconds Split stretch R
30 seconds Split stretch L
30 seconds rest/ 30 seconds on:
30 seconds Hollow Hold
30 seconds Shoot Throughs on Parallettes
30 seconds Tuck or L-Hang from the bar
(Accumulate as much hang time as possible in 30 seconds)

12 minutes total

Power Elizabeth
21 – 15 – 9
Power Cleans 135/95#
Ring Dips

Sweat Class
Partner WOD
45 Minute AMRAP:
4 Lengths Farmer’s Carry (AHAP)
8 Wall Walks
64 Calorie Row
128 Double Unders

One athlete works at time. Partition reps and rounds as desired.

Partners must share the same weights for Farmer’s Carry. 4 lengths should be tough with the chosen weight.

Bring water and dress in layers.
Workout will be announced in class.

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