Gymnastics Conditioning
3 Rounds
30 sec on/30 sec off

1. Ring Support Hold
2. Bar Hang in Hollow Position
3. Handstand Hold Conditioning

18/15 Calorie Row
6 Squat Cleans (155/105)

Rest 5:00

18/15 Calorie Row
6 Squat Cleans (155/105)

Sweat Class

3 Rounds
30 sec on/30 sec off
1. Ring Support Hold
2. Bar Hang in Hollow Position
3. Handstand Hold Conditioning

In the 4 minute interval, complete the given number repetitions and rest for the remainder of the interval:
0:00-5:00 minutes – Row for Max Calories
4:00-8:00 minutes – 25 Strict pull ups or Ring rows
8:00-12:00 minutes – 100 Double Unders
12:00-16:00 minutes – 150 Mountain Climbers
16:00-20:00 minutes – 100 Double Unders
20:00-24:00 minutes – 25 Strict Pull ups or Ring rows
24:00-28:00 minutes – Row for Max Calories

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