No AM Class. Enjoy the parade!

BBQ and WOD night at 5:00

B urpees
I nchworm Pushups
G round to Overhead

(Farmers Carry with water buckets)

R ing Dips
O verhead Squats
C leans
K ipping Pullups

(Med Ball Run)

B all Slams
B ox Jumps
Q uitting Time

Team Light Buckets: Andrew K, Corey, Sue, Jamie, Tess 20:16

Team Avril and Change: Sean, Avril, Stacy H, Tami, Nadja, Ryan 25:52

The Roses: Katie, Callie, Maddie 6:34

The Ninjas: Alex, Jacob, Hayes 6:18

Unicorns: Lainey, Maddie, Masyn, Lilly 6:42

The Sparkly Giraffes: Maggie, Anna, Jenna 7:01