OTM x 6 – 1 Squat Snatch (90%)
Rest 4:00
OTM x 6 – 1 Squat Clean and Jerk (90%)
Rest 4:00
30 MU for time OR
30 Pullups and 30 Dips OR
30 Ring Rows and 30 Dips
2. Conditioning
8 rounds of :20sec on :10s rest
Front Squats 115/80#
20 seconds of Front Squats, followed by a 10 second break
Followed by 20 seconds of TTB, with another 10 second break.
Repeat this process for a total of 8 sets.
Masters Strong
Front Squat 5×2
Bench Press 5×3 @ 90% of previous weeks 5×5
Pullups or Chinups 3 sets
GHD 5×10