50 Calorie Row
40 Front Squats (135/95)
30 Toes to Bar
20 Push Jerks (135/95)
10 Muscle-Ups

Sweat Class

In 6 minutes, in groups of three, accumulate as many strict pull ups as possible, switching after you come off the bar. Make pull ups as difficult as possible. 1 single strict is preferable to any number of partner assisted, banded pull ups, or ring rows. Rest while your teammates work.

3 person teams
24 minute EMOM:
1. Calorie Row
2. Box Jumps with Step Down (24/20)
3. Rest

One person rows, the second teammate will perform AMRAP Box Jumps while the third teammate Rests. Every minute teammates will switch stations in order, for the 24 minute workout. Goal is total reps (box jumps and row calories) completed by the team.

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