Teams of 3:

AMRAP 7: Back Squat
50 Reps (135/95)
50 Reps (185/135)
Max Reps (225/155)
* Scale all weights as appropriate

-3 Minute Rest-

AMRAP 7: Push Press
50 Reps (135/95)
50 Reps (155/105)
Max Reps (185/135)
* Scale all weights as appropriate

-3 Minute Rest-

AMRAP 7: Hang Power Clean
50 Reps (135/95) (95/65)
50 Reps (155/105) (135/95)
Max Reps (185/135)
* Scale all weights as appropriate

Sweat Class

Snatch Drills

4 RFT:
10 DB or KB  Thrusters
10 Burpees
10 DB or KB Hang Power Snatches
10 Alt. Split Lunge Jumps (5/side, alternate every rep switching legs in the air)
